Enhancing the evidence base for person-centred dementia care

In late January, the Association for Dementia Studies (ADS) delivered a webinar as part of a regular Research Seminar series organised by the College of Health, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Worcester. This series provides an opportunity for researchers within the university to share their work with their peers in an informal setting.

The webinar was chaired by Professor Dawn Brooker who welcomed everyone and provided an introduction to ADS, before handing over to Dr Simon Evans for the first presentation looking at ‘Connections with nature for people living with dementia’.

Simon talked about our need as humans to interact with nature, and provided an overview of existing evidence of the benefits of nature on our psychological, physical and social wellbeing. In terms of people living with dementia, it has been shown that engaging with nature can reduce agitation, increase self-esteem, and increase social interaction and communication. It may also act as memory trigger for activities, but unfortunately many people living with dementia have limited opportunities to engage with the natural world. Health and safety concerns and an inability to access outdoor spaces are just two potential barriers they may face.

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ADS at UK Dementia Congress

Last week the Association for Dementia Studies (ADS) travelled to Doncaster for UK Dementia Congress 2019 which was held at the racecourse.

The ADS stand

The event was opened with Professor Dawn Brooker introducing two of our TAnDem PhD students, Ruby Swift and Karen Gray, who talked about their work. They were followed by a relatively intense debate around the role of ‘environmental lies’ in care homes (e.g. fake bus stops, murals).

Dawn, Ruby and Karen presenting

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HDRC knowledge and learning exchange event 2019 – Assistive technology for people living with dementia: the aspirational and the achievable

The annual Housing and Dementia Research Consortium (HDRC) conference took place 23rd May, and the HDRC Coordinator Julie Barrett provides a summary of the event. Over to you Julie:

The theme of this year’s HDRC conference was assistive technology that can support daily living, social participation and leisure for people affected by dementia.

Just over 50 delegates attended and the day went smoothly, thanks to the help of the Association for Dementia Studies team. Delegates were from a mix of professions and organisations including occupational therapists, housing and care providers, adult health and social care services, NHS Trusts, Local Authorities, third sector organisations, academics and architects. The delegates seemed engaged and interested throughout and were willing to express their views and ask questions.

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Dementia Dwelling Grants – What are they and do they make a difference?

We’ve recently been involved in evaluating a pilot project which provided small aids and adaptations to people with dementia living in their own homes in Worcestershire, and thought we’d tell you a bit more about it.

What is a Dementia Dwelling Grant?

The Dementia Dwelling Grant (DDG) is aimed at improving the wellbeing of people with dementia to enable them to remain independent in their own homes. The DDG is not means-tested, but is based on an assessment of a person’s individual needs and the equipment is provided free within a defined allocation. Local Dementia Advisors carry out the assessments and recommend small-scale aids and adaptations that could be useful to people.

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