Expert Practice in Delivering Person-Centred Dementia Care: is it for me?

Have you heard of our online module Expert Practice in Delivering Person-Centred Dementia Care and wondered if it’s the sort of course that you could take? Find out more with this week’s blog post which is written by the Module Lead Isabelle Latham. Take it away Izzie:

So, it’s come to that time again when the application deadline looms for the module I lead: MDEM4003 – Expert Practice in delivering Person-Centred Dementia Care. This is an exciting time, as I know already we have enough students to go ahead so I get to find out who will be joining me in January!

The past year has been a rollercoaster; with my first experience of delivering the module online and a global pandemic thrown in the mix just to keep us all on our toes. However, it’s gone well and this year’s students continue to make me proud with their commitment to their studies as they work towards their final assignment at the end of the year.

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From research to the real world

This week one of our Senior Lecturers Isabelle Latham talks about her experiences of putting research into practice. Over to you Izzie:

Over the last few months I’ve had had the opportunity to reflect on the importance of transferring research into the real world. This is a topic close to my heart as my first contact with people living with dementia was in my early career as a care assistant in care homes. Ever since then I’ve been passionate about skilling-up and celebrating the work done by the people in frontline roles because they are the people that make a difference to someone’s day-to-day life.

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